Friday, January 15, 2010

Its all going swimmingly

Well... It's time I updated this lovely little space of mine.

Interesting things that have happened to me of late...

Lets rewind about a week about a half ago

I'm at the beach and everything is going swimmingly (get it!?) anyway, I get out of the water.. sporting the I've-just-been-smashed-by-a-giant-wave look, hair everything, runny nose. I walk up the burning sand to my towel. When this guy walks up to me (who is very well dressed, who dresses well on the beach?) he goes "Hi Im Mr. _ I'm wondering if you would be interested in doing a photo shoot or becoming a swimwear model?" Me: um...
Mr. _: You would get paid.
Me: um um um
After what felt like hours of umming and a bit more umming. I passed on his offer, I mean who goes around recuiting bikini models on a beach, whislt wearing lovely clothes.

The following day at the beach, I was not asked to a bikini model again. No, that faithful day would be forever known as THE ADVENTURES OF KATE AND AMY!!!! Amy and I are in the water on a board, our eyes not on the hirizon, but on the hoards of hot sexy boys in the water. particlurly EL BEARDO and his friend SEXY BLONDE GUY. Sadly when me and amy chose to act out the final scene of titanic, they thought we were super werid and swam in. Also, a special meantion to the strong silent rude type. yes GOLDCHAIN, I'm talking about you. I hate you. In some countries your taught to smile when soemone smiles at you. clearly you have not been taught this custom.

A special meantion to my journalist friend Mr. C. Who took me on his job so I could interview the roads minster with him. however, when it came to my turn to ask a question, this is how it went.

Mr. C: Would you like to ask a question kate?
Me: ummmm
Mr. C: or not.
Roads minister: HAHAHAHAHA

How embarrsment

Th-th-tha-that's all folks!

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