Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jobs jobs jobs

So.. In keeping you up to date of all things in the world of Kate
this occured today..

Whilst at an job interview for a well known chain store.. two things happened.

1. Whilst watching their video on how "cool/hip/happening/other ridicolous verbs" the people who worked at this "ab-fab" chainstore were. The video actually stated, "by 2016 we hope to become one of the most dominant chain stores in the country" - now straight away my mind things to two things. that song "prepare for total domination..domination..domination"- you know, the one from bring it on? secondly, WHAT AN EVIL BLOOD SUCKING CORPURATION!!! getting teens/ cool young happy people to do all their evil work?!

2. It was a group interview, and about half way through, they said "now some of you will stay... and some of you will go" yes, EXACTLY LIKE AUSTRALIAN IDOL- the pressure was on.. what would happen? TUNE IN NEXT ADD BREAK TO FIND OUT!!... but seriously. Worst thing ever. They announced numerous names.. leaving the rest of us to find out "unfortunately, you guys are not the next Australian idol/successful applicant for our evil corporation, you can not carry out our plot for world domination"
as I was walking out.. my heart in my shoes.. my legs like jelly, choking back warm tears of rejection.. an amazing occurrence happen
"Kate! Come back! YOU WIN!- You have been accepted!"
me "ummm thanks?"
them- "we were just tricking"
me-"ok?..." (what does someone say here? fake laugh?)

It's not a very funny joke now, is it?

well that is all for now
in the words of the Governorator, "I'll be back"

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