Monday, December 21, 2009

formalities and other crap.

Well, here it goes.. my very first blog

suprisingly I'm at a loss for words.
.. I'm not tooo sure if anyone if even reading this but hello to you if you areeee :)

Ok so firstly, lets get the formalities over and done with
I'm Kate
I'm prettty emotional and moody (you really don't to cross me on a bad day, or when i'm upset)

other than that i'd say most of my friends would say I'm im werid.. quirky and say gross things at inapprioate moments, but then again doesn't eveyone?

I am currently reading the freedom writers diary which is pretty cool. if your wondering i would indeed recommend the book rather than the movie.. I mean doesn't everyone.

Heres a few random facts about me.

1. I HATE vegemite sandwhichs but lurrvveee vegemite on toast
2. I have a secret love for blood and gore. I mean seriously show me a snuff film and I'll be your best friend.
3. I have some very discusting habits. No you don't want to know these.
4. second hand bookshops are my calling.
5. I'm an incredilby fussy eater. another reason why my friends think I'm werid.

Thats all for now. after reading this you will have successfully wasted about 5 mintues of your life. you are now that much closer to your death (lovely thought isn't it)

haveee a fab, groovy christmas

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