Monday, December 21, 2009

Bored on a friday night? Date Cancel? Friends bail? Look at these!

Okkaayyyyy well this is going to be incredibly hard.. But if you knew me and more than likely you don't.. but I have a vast desire for movies of the disturbing nature, but also just great movies in general. Be prepared because here they come :) PS. i can't seem to upload photos for some reason so just imagine the suitable movie posters.

1. American Physco.

An excellent excellent film and not just because Christian Bale is a total sex God in it, but for the lovely insight into the mind of a serial killer and how they function in society. (not very well) best quote. "when I see a nice girl on the street part of me wants to take her out, the other part wants to know what her head would look like on a stick."

2. Requiem for a Dream.

The biggest mind fuck EVER!!!!!! but truly great. All four actors and actresses do an excellent job. the theme music is bizarre and creepy. the images are forever burnt into my mind. If there is one movie I think you should absolutely see IT IS THIS. GO. NOW!!!!

3. Donnie Darko.

Again, another movie of epic mind bending proportions. Meet Donnie, your typical teenager. Oh wait, hallucinations of a giant bunny rabbit called Frank?! I'm yet to determine what this movie is actually about, but aside from a time travel theory and random conversations about determining the sex of smurfs (they're apparently asexual) this is a cute movie with a lovely cast and a decent script.

4. Fight Club.

Yes, most of you guys will probably have already seen this. another great story for a good night watch. I don't want to spoil this movie at all for anyone who hasn't seen it. so I'll just say this. "The first rule of Fight club is- You don't talk about about fight club. The second rule DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!."

5. American Beauty

Look Closer. This a very very cool movie and won a thousand academy awards and I can see why. Very Very cool and it makes you wonder what your neighbours lives are really like.. Kevin Spacey is great in this. I would Kiss him for this role. (yes i know he's a dirty old man.) But ugghhh so great, I loved the allusions to Lolita in the film as well :)

6. Hostel

This movie scared me off going to Prague forever. The fact that people can actually go on a holiday to kill people freaked me out even more. Yet I loved it, The underdog wins, and it was very very clever. The fact you don't see any of the killings that those who are in this "club" inflict, yet when the revenge takes place. The blood and gore flies :) It really is a dog eat dog world. Two, although gory wasn't as great, and was almost humorous. I am indefinitely hanging out for hostel 3.

7. Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2.

What can I say, Tarentino for the fucking win. I love one for all the blood and the introduction of the bride and her path of revenge. However, I love two the for the story and the climax. including the most epic fight scene EVER. Plus, its just proof that girls can be dangerously awesome killers as well.

8. The Shining.

Stanley Kubrick. Can I marry you? or rather Jack Nicholson for your ab-fab acting in this movie of evil and terror and more importantly the concept of "the shining" It will probably help if you have read the book. but regardless if your in the mood for poor effects but brill ant acting give this movie a look. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All Work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All Work and no Play makes Jack...

9. Sin City

Full of Great actors and wonderful stories, It is clear to see that this movie was based on a great comic, sorry.. graphic novel. I appreciated this for the very very cool colour effects, partically Alexis Blendel incredibly blue blue eyes, she makes a cute hooker. This teamed with 300 would make any guys night.

10. The Princess Bride

I. Love. This. Movie. Yes, I know its a contrast to my others but awww man. what girl doesn't like a prefect love story. full of sword fights, giant rats, recuses and deadly machines. This makes my heart melt. Wesley and Buttercup are the best couple in the world. and this line always makes my heart "what happens if I never see you again?" "this is true love, do you think it happens every day?" AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. girls, make your boyfriends sit through this film, it is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Great movies... I have seen everything except Hostel and own most of them too.

    And Princess Bride does really rock.


Why Thankyou for this lovely comment :)